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Monday, April 2, 2012

Wibble Wobble Meditation Girl

Photography by Dakota

     Signs of life out of balance are fairly difficult to miss which is why if my eyes were open more than a narrow slit I'd get slapped in the face with the awareness ball.  The symptoms include, but are not encompassed by an inability to stay focused and lying backwards and forwards to do the thing which is setting life at a tilt.  Yes new friends of Twitter I'm talking about y'all.
     Editing the completed book sounds boring at the start; one hundred pages in and it's a full out snore fest.  This means I will go to any means necessary to avoid ferreting out overdone sentences and mismanaged words, including learning the world of Twitter.  Figuring out the language, the social rules and wanting the meets and greets to sound personal took time.  The book drifted into the back recesses, along with cleaning the kitchen, organizing the finances for college, (who wouldn't beg to be taken away from that chore), and just about anything I didn't want to do.
     A few weeks ago I faced life out of balance and grumpily endeavored to get my butt back on the path.  This took more than the usual amount of effort because I successfully bamboozled myself for months that finishing the book was more important than life.  This is an irritating statement when the book is about life.  Crabby beyond measure I meditated, practiced the art of shamanism and took care of correspondence.  As a treat for a job well done, Twitter Land was exciting and far away from edits, boring chants and teens questions about who pays what for college.  Yep, I created a whole new wobble point in a matter of minutes.



No that isn't me laughing, I probably won't laugh about this for at least a week.  I am once again incredibly grumpy.  
     "Time to delete Twitter."

     Saying I don't want to is probably a waste of time.

      "What do you think?"

     My daughter is immeasurably thrilled, probably because it is hugely embarrassing to have your mother discuss Twitter friends or mention something picked up on the web.

     "Thank God Mom.  I was getting worried about you.  You were completely obsessed."

My dear Twitter friends,

     If you happen to peruse my blog wondering where Rainbow Woman went off to, I am 
currently fluffing up some clouds, brightening the colors and making sure the arch is level before streaking towards a shiny new toy.