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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Words in Waves

The book instigating this blog is done.  It will go on to be rustled about by an editor, disassembled by a reader and either published or not.  What happens next is irrelevant.  In this moment, words waving out for four years in stutter steps and ballerina twirls have stopped.  

Joyous music blends with tears.  Overwhelming emotion hidden behind completion of a few hundred pages of prose.  If I'd only known, my first book would have been finished a lot sooner.  


Monday, January 9, 2012

Doggie duo

Doggie duo madly barking
Hate being all alone
Awful, awful separation

Mom resisting, napping, fuming
Blockades up!
Go away midgets

Wild anger at resistance
Magpi ingenuity
We'll show her
Pee is the wake up call

Short teachers with a leash
Magpi force of nature
Yank back to awareness

Ahhhh, so sweet.