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Saturday, January 17, 2015

The Cusp

One morning the light disappeared
It traveled on a comet to the other side of the moon
There was no advance notice
Not even a see you later card
It didn't say how long it would be gone or if it was ever coming back

I cried
I wailed at the Universe
I drifted in the dark sea and wondered
Why does it go?
Pen in hand I asked

Light responded in kind
Dear Deb
Your question already has been answered

I raged at the Universe
I drifted the dark sea and wondered some more
Why must the light leave for me to notice it exists?
Pen in hand I asked

Light responded in kind
Dear Deb
Your question already has been answered
I sat in silence with the Universe
I drifted in the dark sea and noticed

The waves lapped against me while I cried
My heart beat reached into my soul and whispered sweet somethings
Night spread out with an exclamation point broadening my ability to see

As light rounded from behind the Moon the beacon waved hello
I recognized her magnificence, benevolence and brilliance
The dark sea glimmered in rolling depths of reflection
On the cusp of a transition I smiled

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